Written by Steve Sidkin
11 April 03
Planning termination
In today’s difficult economy it is important that all parts of a business are working as hard as they can in order to contribute to the bottom line. Clearly this includes the agents used by a business.
Where an agent is performing badly, it is natural for his principal to think in employment law terms as to the action to be taken. Thoughts of codes of practice and disciplinary procedures will spring to mind. However, in respect of agents there are neither codes nor procedures. In view of this it is important to plan the termination of an agent given the many statutory rights which he will enjoy on termination under the Commercial Agents Regulations.
A rule of thumb
The Regulations do not provide clear guidance as to compensation or indemnity. Equally the cases deciding compensation are unclear whilst there has been only one questionable judgment in respect of the calculation of indemnity.
It would seem from recent cases that a terminated agent will often be able to claim compensation equivalent to the last two years of commission paid to him. Allowing for the other statutory rights which he may enjoy, it is easy for terminated agents to claim in excess of three years’ worth of commission. Usually they back down on such claims. But how far they may be prepared to do so can depend on the actions taken by the principal in dealing with an agent behaving badly.
The objectives concerning termination
If the management time or compensation involved is likely to be considerable, the following issues should be considered:
This is despite the fact that compensation under the Regulations does not contemplate the extent to which the agent contributed to the termination. As such the principal is not prevented from referring to the agent’s actions even in a situation where the agent’s default does not justify immediate termination.
However, it is one thing to have such obligations and requirements in an agency agreement. It is another thing for the principal to monitor the performance of them. Without monitoring, it may be difficult to evidence the reasons for termination.
Some principals replace one agent with another. If this is best for the business, then a new agreement should commence immediately following the termination of the old agency agreement. But in the new agreement it is to be hoped that the principal will have inserted specific obligations and other provisions designed to reduce the bias in the Regulations in favour of agents.
Furthermore the Regulations govern the apportionment of commission between new and previous agents. A new agent will not be entitled to commission where under the Regulations the commission is payable to the old agent. There are two exceptions. First, where it is equitable because of the circumstances for commission to be shared between old and new agents. Second, when the parties have agreed to take advantage of one of the few occasions under the Regulations where it is possible for them to contract out.
Unless contracting out occurs, you face a double bind. This is because the Regulations provide that if commission is paid to the wrong agent, you will be liable for non-payment to the agent who has not been paid. However, in this situation whilst you will be entitled to have the sum refunded by the agent not entitled to the money paid, you will have to recover it.
Having regard to these issues should assist you in minimising the impact which the Regulations may otherwise have when terminating agents behaving badly.
This briefing note is for general information. For advice in applying this general information to your specific circumstances, please contact Stephen Sidkin or any members of the Fox Williams’ agentlaw team. (www.agentlaw.co.uk).