Over the last 20 years there have been times when principals, agents, and lawyers have scratched their heads as to the how and why of the Commercial Agents Regulations.
Based on the EU Agents Directive, for many the Regulations just fell to earth with little warning and even less thought.
Now the European Commission has announced a review of the Directive. This proposal is part of an ongoing attempt by the Commission to streamline legislation and reduce regulatory burden. It is part of an ongoing evaluation exercise covering legislation in a variety of different areas including employment, energy, the environment, health, as well as the internal market which is where the Directive is concerned.
What is not known at present is what the evaluation will involve and when it will be completed. Equally, what is not known is what will be the outcome. However, insofar as the evaluation results in a new proposed EU Agents Directive, this in itself is likely to take some time to become law and even longer before it is implemented into the national laws of the Member States of the European Union.
It follows that for the foreseeable future, for principals and agents alike, decisions must be taken by reference to the Commercial Agents Regulations and the Directive as they stand at the present time.